(This is not Tylers!)
So here's the lowdown. Kyle picked up the boys from school yesterday and Tyler was complaining about his left thigh hurting. Kyle figured that he might be having a growing pain, because what else would make your thigh start to hurt in the middle of a spelling test? Well, anyways, the pain got progressively worse to where Tyler was moaning and crying for about 45 minutes straight. Then he started vomiting. So Kyle decided to take him to the ER. LOOOOOONG story short, we got there at 3:30pm and he was diagnosed with a kidney stone at around 10:30ish. The doctor said Tyler was the 2nd youngest child he has ever seen with a kidney stone. So we were sent home with some pain meds and anti-nausea meds around 11pm. They had given Tyler some morphine so he slept like a baby all night and is feeling a ok today. He should be able to trick or treat with no problems!