Saturday, July 2, 2011

PSE 9 with PW Actions

Linking up at Works for me Wednesday at We are THAT Family and Feature Yourself Fridays at Fingerprints on the Fridge!

My lovely cousin Bronwyn gave me Photoshop Elements 9! I have no idea how to use it...but I downloaded Pioneer Womans PSE Actions, and I am loving them!

Here are some blueberries the boys picked at my grandmas house Father's Day weekend...

Here they are SOOC (straight out of camera)

Here they are with the Pioneer Woman BOOST Action done twice...
Here's another:
My sweet cousin Breanna and her very handsome little boy Henrik

Another PW Action: Colorized with Slight Lighten ...Isn't Henrik just so cute!
So fun!

Here's one more for the road...

Kyle and his dad...a little too bluish I think

I think this is a little better, but still too grainy...not sure how to fix that just yet...I think I used "Warmer" or "Warm Up" (can't remember the name of this action!) in this one

Thats all for now...thanks for stopping by!
Using Photoshop Elements Actions works for me!