Thursday, November 27, 2008

What I am Thankful for...

-A forgiving, loving and grace-giving God!
-My wonderful husband Kyle that provides for us
-A healthy family-Jackson lost one of his front teeth yesterday and I was very upset (he is a snaggletooth now) because he lost his handsome smile. But then I realized that didn't matter! I know a family that is in the hospital with their youngest of 3 sons that is just now recovering from meningitis...Jackson is totally healthy otherwise and a crooked smile for a couple of years is not the end of the world.
-A nice home in a safe neighborhood
-2 cars that run
-Good friends
-A loving church family
-Ability to send my kids to a Christian school
-Dr. Pepper and Reeses
-My computer
-Websites like Money Saving Mom and We are THAT Family (my favorites)
-Having enough money to go shopping on "Black Friday" for Christmas Gifts
-Grey's Anatomy, Jon and Kate + 8, Desperate Housewives and the Style Network
-The ability to go to school and learn to be a nurse
Happy Thanksgiving!

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