Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008
Problem with Comments?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
This weekend...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I did some shopping at Walgreens today. Here's what I got:
3 Puff tissue boxes- $1.79 each (Sale $0.89)
3 Dawn dishwashing liquids- $1.99 each (Sale $0.99)
1 Edge shaving gel- $2.49 each (Sale $1.99)
2 packs of Trident gum- $1.49 each (Sale $0.99)
3 jars of Peter Pan peanut butter- $3.49 (Sale 3 for $5.00)
Total $27.28
-3 $0.25 off Puffs (newspaper)
-3 $0.50 off Dawn (newspaper)
-1 $1.00 off Edge (don't remember where this is from)
-2 $0.75 off Trident(All You womens magazine)
-3 $1 off Peter Pan (All you womens magazine)
Total (before tax) $7.36
Wag coupon savings $12.67
MFG coupon savings $7.25
Total Savings $19.92
I will add a pic once I find the cord to my camera!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A good first day...
I had promised to take the boys to the zoo over this summer but we just never got the chance. So we planned to take them this past Saturday. But it was pouring rain all day so we decided to go see Space Chimps instead. It was cute...I still like Wall-E better! I snuck in my $0.30 snack bags of Cheeto's for the kids but we ended up getting drinks and popcorn anyway...it was fun and the kids didn't mind missing out on the zoo.
Sunday we went to church and then came home and got everything ready for Monday morning. We ironed and laid out clothes and socks, made lunches and got the kitchen ready for breakfast. Kyle cooked made to order pancakes for the boys. Yummy!
for when the little ones get another cooking lesson from Daddy...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
You know you are a mom when...

You know you are a mom when:
You buy your clothes at Target, and the kids school clothes at Nordstrom because you are more concerned about their social fashion status than your own.
For dinner you cook the last 5 chicken breasts in the freezer for your family of 6. But you are not worried because someone won’t like dinner and you will just eat their left overs.
You know more than one way to sneak vegetables into your kids (or husbands) meals. They discover it every time…but you simply refuse to give up.
You have actually prayed to God for your kids to go to naptime early/peacefully/immediately.
You can pick a stray sock up off the floor with your feet to avoid having to bend over while holding baby (or while pregnant when it is a physical impossibility)
An uninterrupted shower or bathroom visit is as good as a day in the spa for you.
You have considered just doing the homework for your kid (which would take 3 minutes) instead of going thru the hours of struggle to help them do it themselves.
You count down the days until summer begins and you can’t wait for beach days with your kids.
You count down the days until school starts and you can’t wait to get rid of the mountains of sand acquired in your car.
You own more bottles of sunscreen than expensive beauty products.
You are a light sleeper-after years of waking to your childs cries in the middle of the night.
You are skilled at using your children as human shields in front of the parts of your body you are not happy with, during family photos.
Your car has at least one fast food wrapper on the floor, one toy too small and just out of reach under the car seat, and has numerous mystery stains. And this is after you asked the kids to clean it out.
You know the Nickelodeon/Disney/Cartoon Network line-up far better than CNN or HBO.
Its funny cuz it true! Well, most of it...I don't even know what Nordstroms is!
Sincerely 'Fro me to you...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Getting ready for school!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sincerely 'Fro me to you...
I decided I would post a few pics of my moms hair over the years since I have them conveniently stored on my computer after making a dvd for my grandparents 50th anniversary.
1.The Marcia Brady Look

4. The 80's perm

*I say she gave me permission to post
these b/c she said "Go ahead...you'll be sorry!"
Love you mom!
For more Sincerely 'Fro Me To You click here!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Ringling Brothers Circus is in town!
I told Kyle that next time we go to this type of event we will be prepared and pick up snacks and toys beforehand and hand them out as if we bought them there! Its hard because we have 4 of them to buy for. Another thing that helped was that we went and had dinner right before the circus so the kids didn't really beg for drinks and snacks like usual.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tips for clothing your children on the cheap!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Tackle it Tuesday
These are our dressers before:
This is our closet before:
For more Tackle it Tuesdays click here!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I got all this for $1.97!!!
Free Johnsons Buddies soap!
10 Johnsons Little Buddies Soaps-$0 .94 cents each
I used 4 $2 off when you buy 2 Johnsons Buddies products coupons
and 2 $1 off any Johnsons Buddies Product coupons
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Non-displaced linear fracture = Broken bone!
You can see where it was broken on the left side of the first big knuckle of the finger (you can see the outside of his hand where it is swollen). It is supposed to be a little more rounded.
Garage Sale Finds
Friday, August 1, 2008
Coupon Binder Show & Tell

I keep the weekly ads in the back part of my binder so I can refer to them if I need to .
Frugal Friday

I make cute totes from inexpensive placemats!
I have made several of these, most recently for Teacher appreciation week. Between the 4 of my boys there were 7 teachers that needed appreciating!
You will need a sewing machine but you don't have to be an experienced sewer; this could be a great beginners project since you don't need a pattern.
-2 matching placemats (or just one for a small tote, I'll explain that later)
-about 3-4 feet of ribbon that coordinates with the placemats
-thread that matches your placemat
Put the placemats wrong sides together, making the edges even.
Starting at the top, sew down the short side, the bottom and then up the other short side.
Turn the purse right side out.
Decide how long and where you want your handles and mark them equally on both sides with pins.
Attach your ribbon using the pins to the purse and make sure everything matches up evenly.
Sew the ribbon on from the outside by making a square (or a square with an x if you want).
Then you are done! That was easy wasn't it?
To make the small tote you just fold up the placemat wrong sides together and sew up the sides; you attach the handles the same way.
I have found cheap placemats at Big Lots, Kmart, Dollar Tree, and (not so cheap) Target.
I try not to pay more than $1.50 per placemat.
Here are some pics:
I got these on clearance at Kmart:
This is one I made from placemats I found at the Dollar Tree:
My Husband Rocks!
(I don't know why I put the fork upside down... I guess I was just rushing so I could hurry and get the picture done and eat!)
You can find more rockin' husbands at The Great Adventure!